Feeding Stray Dogs Cheaply and Well

Did you know that you can make food for stray dogs pretty cheaply, rather than spending money on supermarket dogfood that’s not really worth the price?


All you need to know is a few basics – dogs should eat a diet very similar to a balanced human diet – roughly 40% protein, 30% grain, and 30% vegetables. You should always make sure they get some fats from either the protein or from added oil as well, but otherwise, that’s pretty much it. If it was your own dog, you would probably be a bit more careful about it, but remember these are stray dogs – they are usually scavenging for garbage, so this is much, much healthier for them, and cheaper than buying dog food. And it’s easy!

The links below give you some more information, but a basic ‘recipe’ would be the following:

Homemade Dog Food ‘Recipe’

  • 3 cups (uncooked) of the cheapest rice you can buy – I got 10kg for RM18!
  • 400 grams of some kind of protein source (anything, really, the cheapest meat you can find – I bought dry cat food because it is about 1/3 pure protein and is a lot cheaper than dog kibble, and it also means I don’t have to cook the meat which you would otherwise need to do)
  • Vege scraps and leftovers – a couple of cups worth.

Cook the vegetables and rice however you normally cook them, I’d just chuck the chopped up veges into the rice cooker with the rice, or you can microwave them (and also cook the meat if it’s raw), then mix it all together. Stir in an egg if you like. Feed the dog! Easy, and much cheaper than buying dog food.

More Information:




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